Monday, September 25

Just another manic . . .

Colds, flus, crud . . . whatever it is, it's going around and kids and teachers are just struggling. I've been fighting something all weekend, and . . . HMPH! I don't wanna feel this way anymore!!! YUCK!

So I've not minded Mondays until today. Today when I just want to crawl back in bed and sleep or curl up in a blanket on the big comfy recliner with a steaming cup of herbal tea. It's difficult to keep kids focused when your own mind is out somewhere, taking a snooze. I'm thankful I didn't blow up at all at anyone. I can be such a grouch when I'm cruddy. God is really working hard on me today, and boy am I thankful.

Hmmm, I do hope this is gone before Friday. Driving the 8-9 hours up to Campion Academy with my 9th graders for Academy Days will be . . . eww, don't want to even contimplate that.

WOOHOO!! I'm going up towards Denver this weekend!. I've wanted to see the Campion Academy campus for quite some time, and Friday I will. I'm trying to remember if it is at Campion or Mile High that has a classmate of mine working there. It would be fun catching up, and maybe get to know others from the area too.

Well, I've got to clean up this classroom of mine and prepare for tomorrow. OH NO! Kindergarten music tomrorrow! I forgot to pick up somehting for the class on Sunday. Bugger! I'll have to revise the lesson plans, and do that next week, or maybe Thursday. OH! Band is tomorrow too. BAND! hehe, it's the most unique "band" I've ever been a part of. 4 flutes, 2 clarinets and 2 trumpets. Where do I get music for this group? I'm trying to order the same songs in ensemble/trio music for the three differant instruments, and praying that they will work with each other and won't have to be transposed. Any ideas out there? I'd love some. The kids really want to play music from such films as Star Wars and such, but how? Beyond the fact that they are beginners, the instrument arrangements for most of those types of songs has a few more instruments. OK, I need to get some tea or something and curl up for awhile. I'm starting to grump again!

Off I go to clean and home!


LadyBoyd said...

Hey! I think I know someone teaching at Campion... Not sure, but last I heard he was there. Jon Bradley. Player of the piano. :-) Haven't been in touch with him in YEARS (think 1995 or earlier)...

MissKate said...

I'll let you know after I'm there if he is. :)

Anonymous said...

wow you gotta feel better soon. It seems like youve been sick forever. It a really good thing that you had kept your mind focused. Have fun on friday. GET BETTER SOON!!!!! The students need the smart katie I know!!!

MissKate said...

LOL! It does seem like that. :P

Thanks Carly . . . I plan to get better right away :)

LadyBoyd said...

Like the new look! Im sorry you're sick....