Sunday, November 19

My Space

I caved, and finally set up a myspace blog thingy . . . wow! soooo many friends, classmates, people I knew from gradeschool through my students. CRAZY!!

Any of you reading this, HI! been awhile since I have seen or talked to many of them. And then to see all my 'lil bro's friends from grade school and they are married, having kids, etc. OK! I'm feeling old maidish today! Then again, I'm not the only single and almost 30 or so out there!

I WANT MY PENNIES! I won the bet Janeen and Michelle! HA! hehe

Gradeschool and academy bets of a penny on who would get married first. For some reason, they thought I would, I knew they would, and wouldn't you know, they did, in the order I predicted. LOL

Anyhow. I'm thankful that it is the Thanksgiving break. I'm headed back to Albequerque tomorrow for a shopping trip with mom. And then who knows. I need to get out of here next weekend before we go back to school. Busy days ahead. Not sure where I'll go, but somewhere. :)


flashflood said...

Thats so exciting. Does that mean that your going to post more on there then here?

I can't get myspace. All my friends have it but me. My mum won't let me get it because of family security, or something. Thats ok though. Its cool that you met them online and still remember what bets you made. lol

LadyBoyd said...

Ohhh, if you were so sure, you should have bet more than a penny... Think of all the dough you could be rollin' in now! hehe.

MissKate said...

Carly, no, not planning to post more there . . . just have it so that I can get in touch with some friends from way back :)

LOL, yeah I know Ladyb . . . Janeen I think should pay interest she's so late in paying back!!! hehe ;)

flashflood said...

interest is good like ladyb said "you could e rollin' in the dough".