Wednesday, January 9

Pastoral Need

Seven months have now come and our church is limping along without a pastor. I've been in churches that are able to function as a church body for as many months or more without any problems. However, I've come to realize that churches that have little to no clear leadership, nor had training for those who are in the leadership positions, the need for a pastor is great. WE really need a pastor. I'm so excited that there is someone coming to visit our church in a couple weeks that could be a potential pastor for our church. Kinda exciting, he and his wife are young adults, and it would be so nice to have some more of us in the church. :) What I hear sounds good, so I am looking forward to them coming and spending a few days with us down here. We're hoping to get them to come over to the school one of the days they are here and maybe be the worship speaker one morning. Hmm, is that my week? no, I think it's mom's. hehe, oh well, it will be nice :)

What qualities in a pastor would be good for our church? What qualities in our church would be appealing to a pastor? Just some things that I've been thinking about lately . . .

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