Can you believe it? It is already October. There has been something happening everyday, including weekends since school started. The only reason I'm sitting here blogging now, is that I am proctoring ITBS tests for the 6th-8th graders while the Secretary subs in my room. Mr. E-, lucky bum, is away for today through Monday. A big family reunion. So, since it's ITBS testing this week and next, and my class is not involved in testing (testing starts in 3rd grade), the sub for Mr. E- is subbing in my room while this morning we do tests. It's nice to get away from my kids. I love them, but I also really enjoy Jr. High. So it's nice to be in here today, even if it is only for the morning, and on Monday morning.
My little "wolf pack" are doing pretty good. They are such a hyper, active, attention problem group. HA! I hope they are being good next door. We're going to all go eat together in a few minutes. 11 to be exact, since the test should be done and these kids will get to go eat, I'll get to eat, we'll have recess, one more test . . . then I"m back to my kids.
I really am planning to post some pics of my room. I'll also give an update of what has been happening. It's been busy, but wow, what a difference from last year to this by this time. OHH! I have some 1st graders that will be starting 2nd grade math in January probably, and 2nd graders that will probably start 3rd grade math in January.
OH, Breaking News: The teachers at PHCS may be making a change come 2nd quarter (two weeks from monday). It appears that Miss K will be turning her 2nd graders over to Mrs. R and Mrs. R will be sending her 5th graders up to Mr. E. This would mean that Miss K will have only Kindergarten and 1st grade, and have 8 students, maybe a couple more because parents have been calling to find out about enrolling their children come second quarter. Mrs. R will have grades 2-4 and will have 9 students, with two more coming second semester. Mr. E will have 9 students, and a possiblity of two more second semester. That means more work for Mrs. R and Mr. E, and a relief for Miss K who is thrilled with the idea of being able to get more done in reading and writing with the 1st graders and Kindergarteners. Please add PHCS in your prayers, as the faculty are looking to the changes they may have come October 19.