Sunday, February 22

Change on My Mind

This school year has been something of an interesting year. Granted, it has been extremely stressful at times, but you can't say it hasn't been interesting.

I have student's in my class that drive me a little crazy each day that I still love anyhow. I've learned that no matter how much you wish to trust someone in a place of "authority" and leadership in church, you can only trust God. Ok, that wasn't a completely new lesson, but I want to think people are basically good, and that's been hard to hang on to over the last eight months. Even so, I have not lost my faith and trust in God.

I have no idea what will happen after this school year, but I'm not worried. I know I have no job come June, so far, but God hasn't let me down yet. Last night, I guess he hit me over the head with it, cause I admit, I was getting a little worried what will happen after the pay check stops coming and the job market isn't real open in where I would like to go.

Tim and I just returned home from a drive in the mesas and high desert. We were heading to see Gasbuggy, but we took a few side trips on the back "roads" as you will. While out, I asked God, "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?" and just enjoyed the trip, though the depression was trying to get to me. Well, shortly after I walked in the door, my phone rang and the individual said something to the effect that I didn't know them and they got my number from a friend of mine (thanks Ladyboyd!) and that they might be an answer to my prayer. He then told me about a few positions that I won't go into now, because I'm going to see where they lead and if this is where God wants me to go. But whether or not it is, it sure was a pretty blunt way for God to say, "Hey! what you worrying about? I got ya covered, I've got options, just let me lead."

Anyhow, I know a change is coming, some days I wish it was sooner then later, but I don't need to worry about it, God's got it all under control. Glad He does! :)

Sunday, February 8

Healthy & Declining Churches . . . Hmmm

The following lists of what constitutes a Declining Church and a Healthy Church was published in a recent Town Hall book for delegates. At first glance you might say, yeah, that's right, however there is some things that concern me to say that they are indications of a healthy or a declining church. Or, is it crazy for me to be concerned?

According to the Conference's published booklet:

"A Declining Church . . .
*Program Based *Behavior driven *Decision by committee *Limited view of membership *Permission based *Lack of Vision *Doesn't like change *Inactive members *Inward focusd/self centered *Pastor as chaplain *Worship about head not heart *Controlling *Policy orienting *Pride in friendliness, but isn't really friendly *Distrust of management *Waiting for people to come *Spends resources primarily on youth/children, not adults"

"A Healthy Church . . .
*Spirit Filled *Open to change *Small group social *Grace driven *Finances spent on disciplining adults *Member - defined by involvement *Enable, empower *Freedom to implement rapidly *Empowered board/leaders *Outward focus *Mission concept/mission driven *Spiritual gifts used *Pastor as leader *Worship about the heart/dynamic *Christ centered *Accepting, inclusive *Diverse leadership *Giving *Boundaries *Grace driven"

One concern: An assumption can be made that a healthy church spends no resources on it's youth only on disciplining adults? What about our youth? Doesn't this go against research over the years of a healthy churches longevity.

Does that bother anyone? What about anything else with the above description of healthy and declining churches? There are a couple other things, but I'm not sure if I just am overly sensitive to something that really might not be there because of what has happened over the last year.


Thursday, February 5

Life and Times of the Common Cold

Ahh, to take over a person and wear them down, this is the life, or so the cold in my body must think.

I spent two days at school, feeling quite "lovely". . Yesterday I'd had enough, and we got someone to cover for me, now I'm staying home today as well.

I despise colds! Oh, I do despise them!

Now I am sitting here at my computer, typing this . . . and I'm thinking I want 'chicken-noodle' for breakfast.

I'm off to do more resting, have some tea and all that. :)