Thursday, April 29

Exercise . . . Wieght . . . Loss? Gain?

Sooo, for the last few months I have been going to the gym and have been working out, swimming and just recently added a body sculpting class. The only days I don't go are Sabbath and Sunday, so wouldn't you think that I would start to see some weight loss or some down sizing in clothes? Well, apparently not my body, nope, it is hanging on to every last pound size. Though I will admit I am feeling like I am stronger and have the endurance again that I had. Only with all the workouts and body sculpting and yard work, I am SORE! :)

So though I am not seeing any weight loss I am getting all sorts of gains. My muscles are defining, the yard is taking shape (slowly), and I am moving in July to a beautiful place to start a new adventure. Hmm, I hope that my body decides to finally shed the extrra weight before the move. :)

Well, I am off to the gym for water aerobics with mom and then laps then home again to plant veggie garden seeds

Tuesday, April 27


Yup, I'm moving. I am very excited about it . . . Back to the Pacific Northwest. Of course I will be on the opposite side of the state that I grew up on, but hey, it's more like home. Besides, I went to Academy on the Eastern side.

Well, ok, home is always where my family is at, however I am so thankful that God opened the doors for me to move back. :)

So I'll tell more later, too sleepy now but I wanted to share. :)