It has been over six months since I last wrote here. Currently, I am writing while my students are also journal writing.
I've got good kids, but I have been discovering that writing, reading and math skills are so far behind what they should be. Also, disrespect is at a whole new level compared to only 10 years ago. Kids today have been bombarded by to much information via television, movies, music, computers/internet . . . They don't seem to recognize what is appropriate behavior and what is rude and disrespectful.
If I hear one more time, "well in public school . . . " I just might scream! Or another favorite line, "my parents don't care". That one I know is not true. My students' parents do care about how well their kids are doing academically or how they are behaving. However, many, or most of them do not know how to be quiet and still. Many people do not recognize that to have quiet students at school, it starts at home.
Soo, this week . . . practicing silence, peace and stillness.