Wednesday, July 9

Another New Addition to the Family . . .

He did it, T- traded in his Fifi (1999 Toyota Tacoma) and got a Tundra today as well . . . there it is, sitting next to my 'lil beast . . . kinda dwarfs it. :)

She's Mine!

So, here she is . . . washed, fueled and ready to go do anything.

Sunshine, open and rugged road, here we come . . .

My cute 'lil beast. :)

Here is my parent's Beautiful Big Blue Beast (B4). heehee

Isn't it a gorgeous?

Still very sad to say goodbye to my 'lil blue cloud, she's done me well for so long. Wow! November would have been 13 years exactly! Well we're donating her to the school for the school yard sale. So, maybe she'll do someone else some good for awhile. I don't really want to let her go, but alas, I do not need two vehicles, and I do want air conditioning!!!

Tuesday, July 8

Tomorrow . . . will I or won't I be commited . . .

So my darling little car, which has been faithful since November of my Freshman year of college, has to many problems that to completely fix will cost more then the poor Little Blue Cloud is worth now.

She's still a cutie too :)

She's a good 'lil car, and it's hard to find cars with the gas mileage today like that. 38-40 hwy. But that size car is mostly impractical around here. 4 wheel drive is almost essential. Especially when you drive up to the mountains both winter and summers. And live on a dirt road that after heavy rains the section that is in a wash, is a little washed out . . . so I knew I was going to be getting a new vehical, but was thinking maybe after school started . . . but turns out my car really isn't in a condition to be driving regularly.

Thus it looks like after tomorrow, and finalizing with paper/bank work, this will be my commitment for the next 5 years or more of payments, at a very good rate, soo, woohoo.

Friday, July 4

Patriotic Moments . . .

So it is the 4th of July. A lovely holiday, and a day I realized, I have not posted in over a month!!! AHHH, how can that be? I'm not in school, I'm not teaching school, what happened?

To much! And not what I was planning to do.

It is currently 11:17pm, and there are fireworks still going off all around town. OHhh, and who needs a big firework show, when all around you, there are big fireworks going off because there are so many people who love the big, the beautiful, the noisy, the awe-inspiring flames of multicolors. WE will probably be hearing them through till 1 or 2 am, it was like that last night, and since few work tomorrow, it will be really late. At least my dogs are able to sleep through it, since they are here with me. (mommy keeps them safe from the big bang noises). :)

My cousin and her husband and young son are here. WOOHOOO! it's been 6 years since we've seen each other. Tim took us all out shooting. That was entertaining. My dad even went this time, AND he shot a .22 rifle. That was such a surprising thing.

I suppose he was just so excited about his new truck that my mom and I picked up for them yesterday. I'll post some pictures later. It's a beauty!

Well, I need to get sleep, have choir for church tomorrow, and company and . . . I will post more later. I hope to not get so far behind. Pictures will come with updates . . . ahh, sleep.

Happy Independence Day!