Thursday, July 26

A New Adventure

I have always wanted to travel. I finally had the opportunity to take my first trip off North America a year ago last March to the amazing and fascinating Turkey. I was part of a Study Tour where we visited the sites of the Seven Churches and did a few other things. I know, I never shared that here, but many of you heard about the trip and had seen many pictures. That trip really started a little travel desire bug in me. In fact, I was talking with some of the others that were on the trip, and I had mentioned how I would love to travel all over. Honestly, I really want to go to Europe and Australia and Africa, but recently I had become quite interested in Asia, specifically Korea. One of the couples on the trip had lived in Korea and he told me I really should go. He said I should think about living there for a couple years, maybe teach English or something. I laughingly said, if I am still single when I turn 35, I may just do that. I really wasn't to serious about it, other then I really wanted to travel and see Korea. Hmmm, well God had a funny on me. I turned 35, I am still single and ... I accepted a teaching position at a small academy in South Korea. No, I am not teaching ESL, I will be teaching in an American Curriculum school. This coming semester, US Government and English I. Yup, I'm really excited about it for many reasons. Sooo, in less than two weeks, I will be on a plane, headed east across the Pacific and starting a new journey. A new Journey ... I am going a whole ocean away from family and friends ... I need to stay connected. ... OHHH, I guess I should start writing on my blog again. I hope to share with you all my adventure that God has so very glaringly opened the door for me to do. I also ask that you pray with me that I am able to do what God asks and do so with a cheerful and open heart. Scared I may get a little homesick at times? Yup, I am, but God wouldn't send me without a good reason, so I will be doing my best to follow His lead. Excited about being able to travel to new places and experience rich cultures? Absolutely! I plan to make friends with other teachers there, and get to know some of the English teachers too, and possibly travel around Korea and a few other neighboring countries on holidays. Hey! I'm also expecting now that the crazy endometrioma was removed and the endometriosis is under control, and with good food and lots of places to go walking/hiking, the weight I have been fighting with for the last few years may come off. I have already noticed swelling in my face and other places, has gone down some. WOOHOO! This time next year, will I be refreshed and renewed both spiritually and physically? I surely hope and pray so. I will start a new blog, with a link on this page to come, just dedicated to my life living abroad. I hope that I will be able to keep this one up again, to include just personal, random ramblings. I love you all! New Adventure, here I come.

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