Thursday, March 22

Music Festival

It's 4:30 AM and I;m about to head to the school to meet up with the 5-9 graders to load up cars and drive the 7-8 hour drive up to the Academy for Music Festival. I'm soooo disapointed, several parents backed thier kids out of going. :-< Oh well.

In other news, Mom has been given a vote of confidence by the board, and the three individuals that have been causing such frustration . . . lies and rumors are going to be handled by th eboard. There could be some very drastic changes taking place before and after Spring Break. Be praying about it. Most of the Board is QUITE! upset, let alone my mother who's been lied about and maligned by these people. I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of those who were caught in a lie (or more). Yikes, one of those lies is concerning me, though said it was mom. But I've got a witnesss! A very reliable, and trustworthy one, who was there to attest the incident in question was with me, not mom, and no rudeness was involved, and I/or mom, was not the cause of some guy loosing his job. It's like highschool all over again with these people. Guess they are insecure, and I need to keep them in my prayers and forgive them too. Pray for God's strength, wisdom, and to helping have a forgiving heart towards them.


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