Saturday, May 12


Ok, so finally, some pics of my crazy puppies. You might notice a funny bump on Gemma's cheek . . . she got puppy strangles (a bacterial infection) but it is getting better. :) it used to be the whole side of her face.

Brindi getting all cuddly on her bed . . . one of the few times I can get a picture of her, when she isn't moving . . . she's a wiggler.

WOOHOO!!! I gotcha!

Puppies playing . . . they can be rather rambunctious . . . this is lazy play.

A moment of peace between the babies, PHEW! they need a bath.

"Hey! Tipsy! wait for me, mom's making me sit still!"

it's tough to be a puppy

"Mommy, what is that red light? Why is that siver thing blinking? Is that a new toy?"

"Oh goodie! a new toy! Mommy is gonna play with me and a new shiny toy that blinks and flashes! WOOOPEEEEEEE!!!"

(A similar, yet more joyous face woke me up early this morning. Only she flew through the air and landed on my chest. From a distance of 10' or more from the floor up to the bed)

"yes, such a chore to be adored by all . . . even by my sister"

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