Tuesday, May 29

School's Out . . . Is it really here?

What an ending to the school year. I'm glad it is done, and we're getting ready for a new year.

I'm really glad a friend is interviewing for the other teacher position. We work well together and I'm just pleased he's interested and considering the possition. I'm sure the board will like him, soooo, if it's the right fit, I hope it all works out. :D

I've been going over ideas for this next school year and wow! sooo much to do. But WOOHOO!!! I get to paint my classroom, build a loft, do my classwork at home. (Easiest education class yet!) Go to a wedding, go to a workshop in Kansas . . . hmm, what do you do in Kansas? :) OH yes! inventory! the most exciting thing of the whole summer! HA! that and working on the school library. Hmmm, am I overworked? maybe. Is it worth it? I think so . . . aske me a year from now.

In other news, my poor Gemma has an abcest (sp?) on her cheek/jaw area. It has to be lanced tomorrow, sooo her hystorectomy will be moved to tomorrow rather then Thursday, and then Brindi gets to have her's on Thursday by her self. Will they be able to not pull out each other's stitches? There in lies a BIG question. Pray all works out well for both of them. Poor Tipsy will be a little depressed, because both girls will be a little to sore to play I think for at least a day or two.

Well, it's off to bed. I need sleep . . . stayed up a little late chatting last night, catching up on stuff.

Night one and all . . . and if it is morning . . . hope you had a lovely rest :)

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