Monday, November 5

what does it mean to be truely tired?

The last few weeks has really answered that question. Exhaustion is caused by a lack of sleep due to having several field trips in two weeks, end of quarters and parent teacher conferences so grade cards have to be completed, a vespers program put on by students that you co-direct in drama, directing church choir, organizing division sabbath for the children's ministry . . . plus more in a matter of 2-3 weeks.

I have wanted to sit and blog, but it is almost to much . . .

So in my personal life . . . I really have no life outside of the school and church lately. I'm thankful for people here that have helped tremendously. My fellow teachers are just as worn out as I am and this weekend, we all crashed. I spent hours sleeping. I could even spend more hours sleeping, but the puppies woke me up, and I should get ready to go to the school, make some copies for today, and all that before the kids arrive.

Hey, anyone want to come out here over the next couple weeks and be a volunteer teacher for awhile? How about any ideas for the Christmas season and school programs? I'm about out of ideas, and we need to get started THIS WEEK! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!

I better go so I can be ready! :P

1 comment:

LadyBoyd said...

Tagged you for a meme, if you're not too tired! Check out my page for deets.