Saturday, December 15

Sunshine, Sabbath, Sadness, Silliness . . . sigh

What a beautiful morning to wake up to. Today the students had the church service at the two churches and I had decided I was not going to worry about any of it. I was just going to go with whatever. And you know, goof ups, spacey kids and all, it was lovely at both churches.

One of my kindergarten/1st graders was so tired and emotionally drained with what is going on in her home, that every little thing just puts her into a weepy state. Poor thing, all week long she's been breaking into tears at any little thing, and one of the other kids in the class noticed she was wearing her earrings and said to her that wearing ear rings was a sin and so forth. That was it for my little emotional child, she wasn't crying up front, but was very sad and just look like she was about to fall apart. I was sitting on the floor in front of them so I motioned for her to come down to sit next to me. She came down, cuddled into my lap and practically fell asleep. I really couldn't do much directing with my hands, for which I am VERY thankful for Jenni, my friend and our school aid who kept the kids going as my arms were full.

I love all my students, very much! And I have never seen a class that is more cuddlebuggy as mine is this year, which is fun and scary at the same time. NO wonder we all get tummy buggies and sniffles and such. hehe. Anytime I sit down, the kids in my class closest to me snuggle in, and if I don't prevent it, I will have on on my lap (more if they could figure out how) and the others crowded close in. However, this one little girl touches me in such a way. I haven't felt like this since my year as an SM, and one of the native kids there, the strong desire and wish to be able to take her away and into my home as my own. People always tease me about my mothering nature or whatever, but I haven't had that deep desire, mothering instinct feeling as I do for this little girl (besides my 'nephews' who I love so much, but don't worry about the same way because they have two parents who love them). If I could, if there was a way, I would adopt this little girl. Even though I am single, I would. I'm a firm believer that children need both parents, a mom and a dad, but when a child has really neither . . . She could really look like my little girl too. Dark, wavy hair and brown eyes like my mother's. :) She needs a lot of one on one, and I wouldn't be surprised if some counseling will be needed. Right now, I recognize the signs of a depressed child, and that breaks my heart, and scares me at the same time. Her situation isn't so bad. Her grandfather loves her a lot, as does her step-grandmother whom she calls Nanna. Her Nanna and Papa love her, yet they are caught in a tough situation because the mother won't give up her rights, and causes problems for them when they try to help. DRUGS!!! I despise drugs! Parent's who have been using drugs should have NO parental rights. The children! OH! it just makes me so angry, frustrated, and tremendously sad.

OH, and in this lovely state of New Mexico, they told the grandparents of this little girl that it isn't against the law to do drugs and breast feed, so they couldn't do anything for this little girl and her baby brother. The grandparents could become foster parents, and then the mom would have visiting and parenting rights several times a week. That just defies the purpose of protecting these kids and helping them to be loved, happy and successful with a destructive mom always horning in and causing trouble. It has been good for this little girl. Her mom is in jail right now, and she's never done better academically, however I know she could do much better in a more stable home and not just at Papa's and Nana's on weekends. Please pray for this little girl and her family. I worry what will become of her if things don't change soon for her. Her mother doesn't want to give up parental rights to her dad because she likes having this beautiful little girl and getting praise for such a cute little girl . . . yet she just ignores her otherwise. Please pray for wisdom for myself with my daily interactions with her.

Well, I wondered there a bit. I was telling how the Sabbath programs went well. I'm so thankful for the people I work with able to just keep things going. :) It is such a blessing, and hey, NO WORRIES!!! I even was able to just relax in the car while driving home. No, I wasn't driving, else my eyes would not have been shut. We then had a lovely supper with the family, and I now am sitting here, listening to lovely music, watching the baby girls play or sleep inside, and outside I am watching the wind blow a tree branches under beautiful blue sky. Trials and frustrations and all, I am growing to love this place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Katie. I will definately pray for you, this little girl, her parents and the other kids in the school. When you do become a mother, you will be a great one. THat little girl sure is lucky to know you.