Wednesday, January 28

Come, come! This could be fun!

Not really a red-neck . . . but the sunshine, the warm weather . . . sigh

"It could always be worse."

Thursday, January 22

A Life Remembered

I flew to Portland this past weekend after finding out that a friend of mine had passed away. He had been fighting cancer for just over eight years, and the cancer won a fight. However, the battle was not won by cancer.

He was a good friend to everyone. How many times have you heard that? Yet the reality is, Oscar truly was a friend to everyone. As one person said at the memorial, when you met Oscar, he would look you in the eyes and became genuinely interested in who you were, where you came from and what you are doing with your life.

I remember the day I met Oscar. It was the first day of school. I was in eighth grade and had just transferred schools. I knew a few of the people, but not many and being quite shy, I was afraid that it would take a few days, maybe a week or so, before I made many friends. That first day, I don't remember much about it. I'm sure it was spent learning procedures and such, I do remember I had a good feeling about my teachers (which of course turned out to be spot on). What I do remember is getting on the bus that was going to take me to the academy where my mom worked, and I wasn't sure where I should sit. There were kids that were my age back in the back of the bus, but I was a little shy, and they seemed like the "cool" kids. This guy on the very back seat called out to me. Something along the lines of "New girl" but I don't remember exactly what it was. He told me to come back and sit with them. What all was said, I don't remember, but I do remember thinking wow, this guy thinks I'm cool too, and is fun and I felt like I was possibly one of the "in" kids.

Oscar made everyone feel like they were special and his good friend. A joy to see. Whenever I saw him while in college, or even afterwords, I still felt like I was special and always a joy to see. I wish that I had a few more moments with him over the last couple years, however I know that I will see him again when Christ comes, and that will be a wonderful reunion.

My prayer is that all of my friends will one day meet again in heaven. I love you all! Let's live our lives to the fullest, and share our faith all and make everyone feel welcome so they want to come too.

Wednesday, January 14

"When God Has Another Plan"

God had so many plans for each of us and all his people. I'm wondering what plan He has for me now. So many things have been happening that shows how much Satan is trying to really get to us upset and to turn away from God.

This has been a rough school year, in fact so rough that I know a few people who went through less and did not come out so well. I'm just praying that God gives me strength and protect me from myself when it gets really bad. Especially when I or my family is attacked by those who would be called men of God.

Well, it's time for the 'lil ones to get down for serious rest time soon. They have been doing so good "reading" books quietly. I was a little worried after this morning. Such whining! ARG! Yet now they are so nice and quiet. :D I'll give them a few more minutes quite time before I have them take rest time. I should be with the ninth graders right now, but that's a whole other story. Hopefully they do their work without me for a few more minutes. Hehe.

Have a lovely Wednesday everyone!

Sunday, January 11


I'm enjoying this Sunday. I"m relaxed, in bed, surrounded by three 'pups'. Alas, this post is short, for they are beginning to do the same with each other in anticipation of being let out. Ahh, Sunday morning 'lay-a-bed' is over.

Good morning world, let's start a new week.

Thursday, January 8

School Resumes

School resumed this week, and what a crazy week it has been. I'm not sure what all will happen this last semester, but I'm feeling good right now about it. A little tired and worn out by the crazy students in my PreK and Kindergarten group, but still good. I have a new student in PreK as well as a new ninth grader in English, Social Studies and Desktop Publishing.

Oh yes! I just picked up 6 - 9 PE and was able to relinquish the PreK - 2 Bible class to mom! WOOHOO! She's now getting a dose of what it was like last quarter. Hehe, she's about going out of her head with them, and she only has them for 30 minutes. Oh, I know the feeling oh so well. :)

Well, I should go check on G-, he's got the latch-key today and I'm on second, so I should see how he's holding up. The kids were a bit wound up today. Hmm, perhaps that is an understatement, I better run and make sure he's sane. :)

Have a lovely rest of the week everybody! I will try and keep up with writing, emailing, blogging and everything now that things seem to be smoothing out, though no less busy, just a bit smoother. :)

Friday, January 2

Another Year Older

Actually being another year older isn't so bad. I mean, I'm not that old, but I'm old enough to know better and all that. I look back now though and think I am not where I was planning to be 10 years ago. 10 years ago I was in Walla Walla, I had lasik eye surgery, and was making plans to go to Andrews in the fall with my cousin. Hmm, I wonder if I would have made the decisions I made over the last 10 years if I knew what was going to happen. Oh well, I saw God leading me, and then the times where I just sorta floated. What's in store for me next? I guess God only knows, I'll just keep praying that He leads me where He wants me to go next.

My Cuz in California, her family, my parents and I were able to get together for the first time in 6 years . . . let's not make it sooo long next time!

It was late, and the last pic taken before they left, silly thing is, the only one we took together. hmmm