Wednesday, August 30

Drama, Drama, Drama . . .

When you start teaching drama to grade 5 - 9, it is quite the experiance. Some are such naturals and others give you a look that seems to say, "huh?" and absolutely no other thoughts. I've a few very talented young actors in this class, and they are going to do marvelously. I've one in the class, because he doesn't want to be in band or choir, so drama is his selected extra-curricular class. He's not much of a participator, unless you tell him he must, and even then, he barely does. Yet at the same time, he's so funny and polite, that you can't scold him. HMPH! Then there is the hyperactive one, who can hardly catch on what he is to do, because his mind is everywhere. You have to get in his face to get his attention to do it. He's really a nice kid too. Just well, has difficulty with personal space and social intellect. The rest are girls. OIY! What am I to do for plays that I was planning for this year. I've 10 in the class, and only 2 are boys. Hmm, well I can still do some of the ones, others, well, in Shakespear's era men portrayed women, and my girls can certainly act the boy parts.

What a funny day that is going to be, when I give a girly girl the part of a guy! Pre-teens and teens are sooo amusing when it comes to appearances. This is going to be a blast!

I've already talked with the pastor at one of the two churches, and he seems excited about the kids performing for church to help enhance the worship service. And Vespers! And Christmas, yikes, christmas. I've got to incorporate choir and band and the lower grades and kindergarten for christmas . . . ok, calm down, I've got a month to plan that one out!

YIKES!!! BAND! I can't believe I agreed to direct band. I was in band from 5th grade to my senior year. I'm nooooo expert on any one instrument. LOL, looks like though, band is of all flutes and clarinets, and one trumpet player! I think I'll call it Ensemble, and not band. LOL, what are we going to play with such a combination? Music searching is going to have to be even more specific now. Maybe I can convince some kids to join band that were in band last year (guess it was a scary and bad experiance) to play other instruments. :)

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