Friday, August 25

rest oh weary

It's lovely to sleep in a real bed! Air mattresses are ok on occation, but two weeks of pumping the bed up almost nightly, and then, getting out of "bed" in the mornings! Tonight is going to be wonderful. We're crowded in the house, two households in one tiny house . . .We've rented a storage unit until either the house in Wisconsin sells or we find a larger house to rent until the house sells. Or you never know what might happen in my life. HaHa!!

Exaughsting doesn't quite fully discribe how this day has been. First with rising early, after a late night, and all that benadryl from yesterday. Second, trying to find items that my dad packed, and make certain that some things came to the house for either my room or my classroom, and that he didn't use my clothes for packing around things. Clothing I must say is great for packing around breakables, but not when the breakables are going in storage and the clothes are not. OH well, how was he to know I guess. My dad was trying to protect my dishes. :)

Now the screen is weaving and my eyelids are drooping. I should go to my lovely bed. I'm sooo happy it is Sabbath!

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