Thursday, August 24

I'm a Cooked Lobster!

I woke up this morning, normal, nothing out of ordinary. Took a shower, prepared for school, made breakfast, put together a lunch, and headed out the door to work. As soon as I walked in the door I knew something was wrong.

My eyes were warm, and getting warmer. My mother, the principal at the school looked at me when I mentioned this to her. "Your face is red." As she said that, I my whole face began to slowly burn. I wasen't sure what was going on, but figured, oh it will go away in a minute or too, no worries.

Was I ever misguided. As we started staff worship, my face felt hotter and hotter, and my skin started to feel tight. Maybe it was the lotion I put on this morning had gone bad or something, it was old, I thought. So I got up, went to the restrooms and began washing my face. My skin got tighter and tighter, and it felt a little lumpy. Looking in the mirror, my face was swollen and looked, well, horrid! Then I felt my knees begin to feel warm. Looking down at them I saw red spreading and my knees and face felt slightly bumpy. "I'm having an allergic reaction!"

Walking rather quickly, with a wet paper towel dabbing my face, I went back to the staff worship and showed my mom and the other teacher my problem. Thankfully we had 15 minutes before school started, and my mom was able to run back to the house and bring me some benadryl. I took two, and hour later, the heat started to cool, the bumbs were gone, and the redness was mostly gone. Two hours later, all clear! Woohoo!

What happened? I don't know. But I'm not going to take that vitamen mom gave me this morning. :)


LadyBoyd said...

GAK! Definitely stay away from anything that will make you swell up like that! :-)

MissKate said...

NO Kidding!

I'm staying away from the little vitamen mom gave me this morning that I haven't had before. Pretty sure that's what did it.