Monday, August 28

Prejudice Pride on a Monday, Monday

English for my 9th graders we are reading Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice. It is entertaining to see them go from not really understanding the language used, to "I can't wait till English" "I'm sooo excited, I read up to Chapter 21! I'm sooooo glad she turned down Mr. Collins" I can't wait to see thier reactions to Mr. Collins and Charlotte, as well as what happens next. They are taking ownership in thier reading, and we will be able to have some awesome discussions about the book relating to today and history!!!

I find myself now relating to each of the characters in a little differant way then I had years ago when I first read the book. Experiances in life, and my current age and single life really puts a new look at my views of life and . . . teaching upper grades. Junior High - High School, is an intellectually stimulating experiance. Not that the lower grades aren't, but with older kids, they start to get more interested in indepth discussions about God, relationships (not just boy and girl ones, but relationships with families and friends as well). The students here are also a little more informed as well. They think for themselves!!! and for the most part try to express it as well.

As I'm writing this, my girls (for that is all I have in my 9th grade class, girls) are journaling. As am I ;) and they are getting so excited about learning to use the computer more. These girls just seem excited to learn. Of course they do get a little 'bored' with topics, but they have such great attitudes and are easy going. What a relief, with all girls. :)

It is about time for the fifth through eighth graders to come for social studies, so I must bring all our journaling to a close. Ah, it is Monday, but it is a good one. :) I can enjoy Mondays like this.


LadyBoyd said...

You can also relate the Jane Austen themes to the politics/laws of the time. Remember Research Writing? I did my "thesis" on how Jane Austen subverts the marriage laws of her day in all her books. The marriages would actually have been illegal in many instances! That might be something the girls are interested in... Let me know if you want me to try and find that paper. I know I have it in my portfolio somewhere and I can send it to you if you want the references. :-)

Im glad your school is going well and you're enjoying things. Hope the housing situation smooths out once the boxes are reduced!

MissKate said...

I'd love that! I forgot about that, you're paper in Research. If you could find it, that would be AWESOME!!!