Thursday, November 23

Happy Thanksgiving

This is Thanksgiving, and a fairly nice day. Woke up without the sound of my 'lil bro throwing up. Poor Timmy, he was so sick yesterday. He couldn't keep anything down until the end of the day, and he had some soup. Course, with his constant need to visit the restroom, he needed something to help ease the nausea. Mom went out and got him Pepto, but that didn't seem to help to much. So I ended up looking for some Charcoal, we were out.

I had to go to a couple of differant places to find him some. Everyone was out. Then I got to Walgreens . . . oiy, they were so slow, and such poor service, till the pharmacist heard me asking the front girl person about charcoal who had no idea what I was talking about (come on! what are you doing working in a pharmacy, and know nothing about charcoal?). He came out and told me where to look, I went, couldn't find it. So, going back to the counter, he was busy, so I started to talk to the other girl, and he popped out. "couldn't find it?" He came out and turns out, the pharmasist not only was fairly attractive, but also almost a foot taller then me. Oh well, not important. However he was really nice. Helped me find what I was looking for, smiled flirtatiously (which was something since I was decked out in frumpy clothes and my hair pulled back and I felt rather blah) and well, wished me a great thanksgiving and, well everyone got what they needed. Tim feels better, none of the rest of the family got sick, and we had mom's famous, and most wonderful 'roaf' or is it 'loast' . . . . hehe, her meatless holiday loaf. :) YUMMY!!!

ok, I'm off. We're enjoying watching a movie . . . I don't like Tom Cruise, but I like mission impossible. :)

1 comment:

flashflood said...

awww poor tim. I'm glad that he started to feel better. Do ya know what was exactely wrong with him??

hahaha, great.... you meet an "attractive" guy and you don't stay and chat?!?!?!? We have a lot of talking to do. lol You'll find someone soon, even if its not in a pharmacy. As soon as I read it I was all like..... haha wheres this story going, but there was a mission in mind... tim.thats great. Anyways... enough hassling you. i'm glad that you had a great thanksgiving. Charcoal is N-A-S to the T. lol L8r