Saturday, December 16

Ahh, Sabbath!

The Christmas program went well, and I've heard lots of rave 'reviews' from the families and friends of the school. It's always exciting when that happens. The kids did alright . . . I was stressed out about it, but once I said, I don't care anymore and decided to no longer allow myself to feel responsible for students' irresponiblity . . . well it went off with out to much of a hitch or two.

The play had people laughing, the chimes had parents bursting with pride, the singing was decent . . . much better then I was hearing and dealing with for the days before. Now, I'm exaughsted! Even if I had bought tickets to go to Hawaii over Vacation, I think I'm to exaughsted to even pack or travel. Haha! Naw, I'd be so wired to go about now. :)

Now for a nice nap. My eyes are drooping as I'm typing. Actually, I think I dozed off here in between sentences. I best go.

Happy Holidays all!

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