Tuesday, December 5

Stalkers and 9th Grade

I am sooooo well disturbed by the latest debacle in my 9th grader's life. Yesterday she told me she was recieving emails from this guy, who she didn't know who he was, and she was a little uncomfortable with it. She let me read the email, and shoot, I'd be uncomfortable about it too. This guy has been 'in love' with her and she's been 'teasing him' for the last year according to his email. He believes God is "bringing them together." and they will have a wonderful relationship if they follow God's plan.

hmmm . . . . this guy I think from limited info he's given about himself, is at least 19, and he has been to her house, knows her family, and she has no clue who it is.

So yeah, something to pray about all!


flashflood said...

oh wow. Yeah that is something disturbing. Her parents know about it right? The bad art is, is that its someone that she probably has seen before but cant figure it out.

*shivers* creepy.

I will defintely pray about it. Its a good thing that she told you about it though. You do care for ur students.

MissKate said...

yes, it is creepy, and yeah, she told her mom . . . we're all trying to figure out who it is.

flashflood said...

"the search is on" *points finger upwards*

p.s i love the pic!!!