Monday, January 22

The Crud

Crud! my sinuses are full of ucky crud! I just love being a teacher sometimes when the kids come to school with all thier colds and flus, viruses . . .

After eating out with some friends from church and the school here on Thursday night, I started to get a sore throat and it just went down hill from there. Probably didn't help that the restraunt had a smoking section, and it was the only section to be able to eat with a large group. Good food, good company . . . lousy smokers!

OH well! I'm starting to recouperate . . . spent the last few nights sleeping in a recliner in the living room. Have to 'sit up' to sleep. :P But wow, I feel better enough to be here at the school. Hopefully no student comes with another cold, flu, virus . . . I'm recovering, no immunity for new buggies.

Ok, perk up girl! You don't have choir today!!!! only band. LOL!


flashflood said...

NOOOO not another one!!!!! HEy it was cool talking 2 u yesterday.

Cold, cold go away,
don't come back another day
If u do,
i'll get mad
i'll throw kleenex box at u.

( yeah ok, that was lame)

I hope you get better soon. Miss ya!!! TTYL

Tell those students of urs not to get you sick anymore, on my orders. hehehe. j/k

MissKate said...

Hehe! That's cute Carly! Thanks lub! I enjoyed talking last night too.

flashflood said...

so anyone else get sick lately?