Saturday, January 13


As a whole, there are a lot more sunny days here then ever was in Wisconsin, and Indiana, but today is a little cloudy. Snow is falling, in a round about way. As I look out the window, a flake slowly drifts around in the air and eventually makes it's final resting spot on the ground. The time it takes to get there is pretty fascinating. I've only scene about two to three at a time. Such lazy snowflakes. :)

I got a surprise in the mail today! My dear friend Sara, who's off at SAU, sent the most endearing thing for Christmas, New Year, and most "importantly" my Birthday :D I LOVE IT!!! Thank you Sara!!! I'm not sure if I'm going to take it to school or in my room, but woohoo :D Thanks luv! You're thoughtfulness made my day. :)

And now I'm off, to participate in some lovely Sabbath afternoon, lay activities. :) Happy Sabbath all!

1 comment:

flashflood said...

a very discriptive form of describing the snow flakes uve got there. We finally got snow here. my be half an inch. WE will get 4-6 inches monday with the temp of -1. so yeah, that does mean that you get more sunny days. hahaha

thats cool that you got a gift from sara. is that sara s? I wanted to send u a b-day card, but trust me something better will come in the mail for ya.HAve a good day!

Happy Sabbath