Saturday, October 7

October in New Mexico and random thoughts

I'm sitting in the dining room, looking out the back door and realized, there are roses blooming. It's October! All the roses were dead when I got here in August, now they are blooming? We've been getting a lot of rain the last few days though. I was told this is rather uncharacteristic the amount of rain we've been having. I'm not complaining though. We've got roses, and grass growing.

They are fairly pretty too.

This picture doesn't do it justice, but
there you can see the rocks we have. The poor
dog, she has very tender feet, and it is terrible, but amusing to see Tipsy, tip-toe out there to do those things dogs do.

Here's one more picture of a cute little bud.

Being Sabbath afternoon, one of those favorite activities, "lay activities" are currently being held, and my mother is to cute sleeping on the couch. You almost can't see her between the blanket and the stuffed dog that's over her as well.

She'll probably shoot me for posting this picture, but it's too cute. :) Especially since Tipsy decided to sit next to her at the same time as I took the picture.

That stuffed dog is bigger then Tipsy, and she's no small dog as you can see.

My mind is wandering over the last few weeks and wow, I can't believe I've been in New Mexico for two months!

I do like it here, though there aren't that many young adults here, there are many young families, and older ones that make you welcome. It's nice for a change. Of course, I wouldn't mind getting to know some nice single . . . HA! never mind that.

My "little" brother is working at the airport, and he comes home with some interesting stories. He's not that impressed with his boss, but his co-workers seem to be pretty interesting and friendly people. Close in age to him as well. I know it's a small airport though, because the security on the airfield is . . . well when I've driven over there, or anyone else in the family does, he drives over from the Hangers where he works, opens the gate, and we drive in and down to his place of work. The planes I've seen parked there have been everything cessnas to a WWII fighter plane someone personally owns. So though he's got a turkey of a boss, he does have good company and interesting adventures.

Yesterday, my bro and I went shopping. Mom and I had spotted a sale on laptop computers, and well, my computer was, well . . . it's been functioning on . . . well very little. So this sale was very exciting, and well, I've bought a new computer. WOOHOO!!! And my brother . . . he bought a new camera. Digital one. One I wouldn't mind having myself, but I needed the computer more then a new camera.
I'm thinking of calling him Samson . . . Actually I think his hair just might be longer then mine now after this new cut of mine. I've no pictures of me and my new do . . . later I guess. :)

Oh, so I haven't written about my trip up to CO yet . . . more to come. :)


flashflood said...

lol I think tipsy is so adorable. Flowers in october!?!?!?!? Now that is strange. Is it warm in climate down there? That is a very cute picture of ur mum and dog(s)lol. I remember the stuffed dog.What was his name.... mocho..... ok I have not the faintest Yeah ur bro needs a hair cut. i can't wait to see what your hair looks like. Is it a different color now?Tell ur bro I said hi.Well gotta go, more post of yours to read.Toodles!!!

flashflood said...

I sure hope you find someone.You know someone single.....