Thursday, October 26

OH what Fashion!

Today, Garbage Bag and Duct Tape, quite an aray of fashion. One of the girls in my mom's class was a court jester . . . it was amazing! her whole outfit was all bag and duct tape. She even had a goofy hat and shoes with bells on them. We had a couple of "brides" and "super heros" and then there was only my mom and I as the staff that dressed up. Tsk Tsk, such self-concious teachers. I made a fun hat and tie with a jacket as well . . . she looked so cute. In fact, I just gotta share a pic. :)

Here is mom and one of her students who brought her pet rats to share with the school. They are soo cute. I miss my rats. And my chinchillas

Anyhow . . . the week is done. :) I'm excited, one of my girls is coming back monday. We have a Fall Festival on Sunday, and a lovely couble days in between. SABBATH!!! woohoo!


flashflood said...

it all sounds so cool. Those were ur rats???? If so i love them. I wish i brought them with me

the outfits all sound interesting. 'm glad at least some staff dressed I STILL WANT TO SEE A PIC THOUGH>LOL

MissKate said...

LOL, not gonna happen! no one took my picture . . . I had the camera


flashflood said...

lol i can just hear that evil laugh. lol YOU always have the camera. One day someone might just get you good.

(now its my turn to be mischievious)
